Due to my background in enviromental education at the Chattahoochee Nature Center in developing outdoor classrooms and consulting for nature trails, it is a very good fit for me to offer these services in regards to my personal business. In addition, I have traveled the world and visited Natural Heritage Sites, Nature Centers, Enviromental Centers and have walked trails with every imagineable type of interpretation settings. These also lend themselves to ideas in providing interpretation consulting in the U.S.
Trail development can be designed to take advantage of the most important features of the landscape. This includes geology, physiogeography, botanical features, wet-landscapes and particular areas that may be food sources or denning sites for wildlife. There are many ways to provide the educational information to visitors of any natural area and today, websites are a wonderful tool in allowing people to download and print material, which reduces cost for organizations that no longer have to spend ever shrinking financial resources to print color brochures.
If you have a project in mind please contact me for details of what I may be able to offer in consulting services for your particular trail or outdoor classroom.